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class MSD

A class to represent a Mesoscale Discovery (MSD) file.


header_data : pd.DataFrame
        The metadata from the header of the MSD file.
msd_data : pd.DataFrame
        The MSD data from the MSD file, multiindexed by row and column.


parse_msd_data(msd_data_bytes: bytes)
        Parses MSD byte data into header data and MSD data and returns as pandas DataFrames.

function MSD.parse_msd_data

Parse MSD data from bytes and return as pandas DataFrame


msd_data_bytes : bytes
        Bytes from MSD data file.

        Format of data section is:
                        Column 1                Column 2                Column 3...
        Row 1    Microwell 1        Microwell 1        Microwell 1
                        Microwell 2        Microwell 2        Microwell 2
                        Microwell 3        Microwell 3        Microwell 3


        Header data - dataframe of keys and values from metadata in file header
        MSD data - dataframe with multiindex of Rows (A, B, C, etc.) and Columns
        (1, 2, 3, etc.), with separate columns for each microwell