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class WSP

A class to parse a FlowJo WSP file following the Gating-ML 2.0 standard.    Contains methods
for extracting gates, table output structure, population statistics, and compensation
matrices from WSP file.

>>> wsp = WSP(wsp_bytes)  

View gates

>>> wsp.gates  

View population statistics computed in FlowJo

>>> wsp.stats_flowjo  

View table output structure, as configured in Table Editor in FlowJo

>>> wsp.table_output_structure  

Generate output table based on table output structure and FlowJo population statistics

>>> WSP.apply_table_output_structure(
wsp.table_output_structure["Table"][["gate", "value_type", "statistic", "rename"]],

With corresponding FCS files, you can calculate population counts from FCS events data using
the apply_compensation and calculate_population_counts methods.

function WSP.__init__

Setup parsed WSP object, which contains gates, population statistics, and
table output structure as configured in Table Editor in FlowJo


wsp_bytes : bytes or file_like object
        FlowJo Workspace file in bytes

function WSP.get_population_stats

Retrieve population statistics from WSP file


        Population statistics as a DataFrame

function WSP.get_gates

Retrieve gates from WSP file


        Gates as a DataFrame

function WSP.get_single_well_stats

Retrieve populations for a given well from a WSP file.    To use this method, loop through the
wells in the WSP file and pass the node corresponding to the well to this method, making
sure to capture the unique identifier for each well in the loop.


node : node
        Node to start looking in, typically node corresponding to well
method : str
        Method to use to retrieve population counts.
        'gates' will retrieve gates from WSP file
        'flowjo_stats' will parse stats from WSP file


        Dictionary containing single well stats requested

function WSP.get_table_output_structure

Retrieve table structure as specified in Table Editor of FlowJo


node : etree.Element
        Node to search for table editor, typically root node


        DataFrame consisting of gate and tables

function WSP.apply_table_output_structure

Apply table structure as specified in Table Editor of FlowJo to get population proportions


df_table_structure : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing table structure; Should contain the following fields:
        gate (series of gates applied to determine population)
        value_type (type of value (e.g. statistic, keyword, etc.))
        rename (name of column in output table)
        table_name (name of table)
df_population_stats : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing gating stats; Should contain the following fields
        population (series of gates applied to determine population)
        statistic_name (name of statistic (e.g. count, MFI, etc.))
        statistic_value (value of statistic)
unique_id : list[str] | str
        Unique identifying column names(s) for single flow run. Commonly, this would be well position,
        well position + timestamp, or filename.


        DataFrame containing population proportions with the following fields
        table_name (name of table)
        unique_id (unique identifier for well; name will vary depending on chosen identifier)
        population (population name (e.g. - CD3, Cells, etc.))
        statistic_name (type of statistic (e.g. freqof, freqofparent, freqofgrandparent, etc.))
        statistic_value (value of statistic)


>>> wsp = WSP(wsp_bytes)  
>>> WSP.apply_table_output_structure(wsp.table_output_structure,

function WSP.get_gating_order

Convenience method to get the order in which gating was conducted from the list of gates
observed in file


population_name : list[str]
        List of populations, delimited by '/'


        List of populations in order


>>> get_gating_order(["All Events",  
"All Events/Single Cells/Live Cells",
"All Events/Single Cells"])

["All Events", "All Events/Single Cells", "All Events/Single Cells/Live Cells"]

function WSP.get_gate_structure

Retrieve gate structure as a nested dict from a WSP file


node : etree.Element
        XML node to start traversal in, typically node corresponding to well

function WSP.get_compensation_matrices

Retrieve compensation matrices from WSP file as a DataFrame


dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
        Dictionary of compensation matrices, keyed by matrix name

function WSP.apply_compensation

Adjust flow cytometry data for compensation


data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing FCS event data
compensation_matrix : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing compensation matrix; rows are from, columns are to
compensation_channels : list[str] | None
        Fluorescent channels to adjust for compensation


        DataFrame containing compensated events

function WSP.calculate_population_counts

Calculate population counts from FCS events data, using compensation matrix


wsp_gates : pd.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame with the following fields
        population_name (full nesting of population)
        gate_sort_order (order of points for polygon)
        rect_min (min cutoff for rectangle gate)
        rect_max (max cutoff for rectangle gate)
        x (x coordinate for polygon gate)
        y (y coordinate for polygon gate),
        x_dimension (X dimension for laser)
        y_dimension (Y dimension for laser)
        filename corresponding to well

compensation_matrix : pd.DataFrame
        Compensation matrix as a DataFrame; rows are from labels, columns are to labels

fcs_files_dict : dict[str, bytes]
        Dictionary of FCS files as bytes, keyed by filename


        DataFrame containing filename, population name, and counts

class FCS

A class to represent an FCS (Flow Cytometry Standard) file.


data : pd.DataFrame
        The data contained in the FCS file.
metadata_file : pd.DataFrame
        The metadata contained in the FCS file header.
metadata_fcs : pd.DataFrame
        The system metadata contained in the FCS file.
metadata_channels : pd.DataFrame
        The characteristics for each channel in the FCS file.
metadata_channel_names : Tuple
        The names of the flow cytometer channels.


parse_metadata(metadata: dict)
        Parses FCS file metadata.

function FCS.parse_metadata

Parses FCS file metadata


metadata : dict
        Metadata contained within FCS file, as parsed by the fcsparser python package


        FCS metadata


FCS metadata is returned as a dictionary with the following components

header: dict
        describes FCS version and byte offsets of TEXT, DATA, and ANALYSIS segments in FCS file
system_metadata: dict
        contains system metadata as specified by the FCS file format
channels: pd.DataFrame
        describes characteristics for each channel
channel_names: Tuple
        contains flow cytometer channel names

function FCS.gate_population_polygon

Gate FCS file using a polygon


data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing FCS event data
polygon : np.ndarray
        2D Numpy array containing polygon vertices
x_dimension : str
        Name of x dimension
y_dimension : str
        Name of y dimension


        DataFrame containing gated population events

function FCS.gate_population_limit

Gate FCS file using a limit


data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing FCS event data
dim : str
        Name of dimension to gate on
min_val : float
        Minimum value to gate on
max_val : float
        Maximum value to gate on


        DataFrame containing gated population events

function FCS.create_comp_matrix_xml

Creates XML representation of compensation matrix


df : pd.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame containing compensation matrix.    Rows are from, columns are to
comp_matrix_name : str
        Name of compensation matrix
spillover_mat_attr : dict[str, str], optional
        spillover matrix definition, by default None


        If rows and columns are not in the same order


For a WSP object, insert a compensation matrix into the XML tree by executing the steps shown below:  

>>>> xml_comp_mat = WSP.create_comp_matrix_xml(df_comp_matrix)
>>>> matrix = xml_comp_mat.xpath("./transforms:spilloverMatrix", namespaces=WSP.ns_transforms).pop()
>>>> wsp_obj.wsp_root.xpath("./Matrices")[0].append(xml_comp_mat)

In this example, df_comp_matrix is a Pandas DataFrame with a format mirroring an element
from an item in the 'compensation_matrices' dictionary returned by the 'get_compensation_matrices' method.

Writing wsp_obj to a file will now include the added compensation matrix in the WSP file, which
can be opened in FlowJo.

function parse_fcs

Parse an FCS file and return a dict of metadata and numpy arrays of the data.


fcs_bytes : bytes
        Contents of an FCS file


        An FCS object containing the data and metadata from the FCS file