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Allotrope Schemas

Allotrope Validation Schemas

This page contains the validation schemas to validate Pandas DataFrames against Allotrope data models (ADM). All models with a REC (recommendation) status is currently supported. Each schema corresponds to the most recent recommended data model for each instrument.

Example code for validating a Pandas DataFrame against a schema is shown below. For more information on validation functionality, see Pandera documentation.

from ganymede_sdk.validation.allotrope import *
automated_reactors_schema = AutomatedReactorsSchema()

# Validate data types of an example DataFrame called df_reactor_FTIR
# which contains the FTIR document from the Automated Reactors schema
df_reactor_FTIR = automated_reactors_schema.FTIR_profile.validate(df_reactor_FTIR)

instrument AutomatedReactorsSchema

table FTIR_profile

  • probe type: str
  • radiation source type: str
  • spectrometer type: str
  • detector type: str

table NIR_profile

  • measurement device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • radiation source type: str
  • spectrometer type: str
  • detector type: str

table RAMAN_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • radiation source type: str
  • excitation laser power setting: float64
  • dark background correction active: bool
  • spectrometer type: str
  • detector type: str

table UV_Vis_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • cell path length: float64
  • detector type: str

table analyte_document

  • analyte name: str
  • m/z setting: float64

table analyte_name

  • analyte name: str
  • m/z setting: float64

table angular_velocity_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table background_document

  • resolution: float64
  • detector gain setting: float64
  • optical velocity: float64
  • aperture size setting: float64
  • number of averages: int64
  • integration time: float64
  • apodization name: str
  • phase correction: str
  • zero filling factor: float64
  • excitation laser power setting: float64
  • dark background correction active: bool
  • baseline: str
  • slit width setting: float64

table chemical_document

  • chemical name: str
  • reaction component role type: str
  • molar mass: float64
  • SMILES molecular structure: str
  • InChI molecular structure: str
  • InChIKey molecular structure: str
  • Molfile molecular structure: str

table chord_length_distibution_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • laser rotation speed setting: float64
  • chord selection setting: str
  • stuck particle correction enable setting: bool
  • measured laser rotation speed data cube: str
  • Chord Length Distribution Data Cube: str

table concentration_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • analyte name: str
  • calibration assessment: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • Data Cube: str

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • baseline: str
  • mass spectrum: str

table flow_rate_profile

  • device identifier: str
  • description: str
  • Data Cube: str

table heat_flow__profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table heat_flow_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table heating_or_cooling_rate_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table impedance_scan_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • impedance scan data cube: str
  • impedance spectrum data cube: str

table jacket_temperature_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • jacket temperature Data Cube: str

table log_entry

  • observation: str
  • scalar timestamp datum: datetime64[ns]
  • elapsed time: float64

table mass_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table mass_spectrometry_document

  • equipment serial number: str
  • emission current setting: float64
  • electron energy setting: float64
  • mass spectrometry tune file: str
  • mass spectrum: str

table measurement_document

  • resolution: float64
  • detector gain setting: float64
  • optical velocity: float64
  • aperture size setting: float64
  • number of averages: int64
  • integration time: int64
  • apodization name: str
  • phase correction: str
  • zero filling factor: float64
  • three-dimensional FTIR spectrum: str
  • three-dimensional RAMAN spectrum: str
  • three-dimensional Near IR spectrum: str
  • electronic absorbance bandwidth setting: float64
  • slit width setting: float64
  • three-dimensional ultraviolet spectrum: str

table observation

  • scalar timestamp datum: datetime64[ns]

table overhead_stirring_rate_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • stirring rate data cube: str

table pH_profile

  • measuring device identifier: str
  • probe identifier: str
  • probe type: str
  • pH Data Cube: str

table profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table purge_gas_flow_rate_profile

  • device identifier: str
  • description: str
  • purge gas type: str
  • Purge Gas Flow Data Cube: str

table reaction_temperature_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • reaction temperature Data Cube: str

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • description: str
  • scalar timestamp datum: datetime64[ns]
  • elapsed time: float64

table scalar_timestamp_datum

  • elapsed time: float64

table standard_aggregate_document

  • pH calibration slope: float64
  • calibration assessment: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]

table standard_document

  • batch identifier: str
  • temperature: float64
  • standard nominal value: float64
  • standard measured value: float64

table temperature_profile

  • description: str
  • device identifier: str
  • Data Cube: str

table volume_profile

  • device identifier: str
  • description: str
  • Data Cube: str

instrument BalanceSchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • calibration certificate identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • gross weight: float64
  • tare weight: float64

instrument BulkDensitySchema

table document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • equipment serial number: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • analyst: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • tare weight: float64
  • gross weight: float64
  • sample weight: float64

table intermediate_tapped_density_document

  • cumulative count datum: int64
  • volume: float64
  • cumulative count: int64

table loose_density_document

  • volume: float64
  • loose density result: float64

table tapped_density_document

  • tapped density result: float64

instrument CellCountingSchema

table cell_counting_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table data_processing_document

  • cell type processing method: str
  • minimum cell diameter setting: float64
  • maximum cell diameter setting: float64
  • cell density dilution factor: float64

table data_system_document

  • data system instance identifier: str
  • file name: str
  • UNC path: str
  • software name: str
  • software version: str
  • ASM converter name: str
  • ASM converter version: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • sample volume setting: float64
  • detection type: str
  • illumination setting: float64
  • exposure duration setting: float64
  • detector gain setting: float64
  • excitation wavelength setting: float64
  • detector wavelength setting: float64
  • fluorescent tag setting: str

table device_system_document

  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • device serial number: str

table image_aggregate_document

  • image document: str

table image_document

  • index: int64
  • experimental data identifier: str

table measurement_document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]

table processed_data_document

  • viability (cell counter): float64
  • total cell density (cell counter): float64
  • viable cell density (cell counter): float64
  • dead cell density (cell counter): float64
  • average total cell diameter: float64
  • average viable cell diameter (cell counter): float64
  • average dead cell diameter (cell counter): float64
  • total cell count: float64
  • viable cell count: float64
  • dead cell count: float64
  • average total cell circularity: float64
  • average viable cell circularity: float64
  • fluorescence tag positive cell count: float64
  • fluorescence tag positive cell density: float64
  • fluorescence tag positive percentage: float64

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • location identifier: str
  • local identifier: str

instrument CellCultureAnalyzerSchema

table ammonium_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table calcium_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • osmolality: float64
  • viable cell density (cell counter): float64
  • viability (cell counter): float64
  • total cell density (cell counter): float64
  • average live cell diameter (cell counter): float64
  • data processing time: datetime64[ns]

table glucose_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • mass concentration: float64

table glutamate_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table glutamine_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table lactate_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • mass concentration: float64

table lactate_dehydrogenase_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table phosphate_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table potassium_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

table sodium_analysis_document_cell_culture

  • molar concentration: float64

instrument CodeReaderSchema

table document

  • code scan result: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • device response signal: str
  • control command: str

instrument ConductivitySchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • electric conductivity: float64
  • temperature: float64

instrument CoulometricOvenKfSchema

table device_acquisition_method

  • method name: str
  • purge gas type: str
  • maximum run time setting: float64
  • change rate end point setting: float64
  • drying temperature setting: float64
  • titrant solution type: str
  • titration solvent type: str

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • arithmetic mean: float64
  • relative standard deviation: float64

table measurement_document

  • sample role type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • method name: str
  • analyst: str
  • vial location identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • absolute water content: float64
  • expiry time prescription: datetime64[ns]
  • water mass concentration: float64
  • water mass fraction: float64
  • material identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str

instrument DifferentialScanningCalorimetrySchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • device method identifier: str
  • container type: str
  • container state description: str

table endothermic_peak

  • transition assignment: str
  • peak onset temperature: float64
  • peak temperature: float64
  • transition enthalpy: float64

table exothermic_peak

  • transition assignment: str
  • peak onset temperature: float64
  • peak temperature: float64
  • transition enthalpy: float64

table glass_transition_peak

  • transition assignment: str
  • glass transition temperature: float64
  • heat capacity (dsc): float64

instrument DisintegrationSchema

table document

  • ADF converter name: str
  • ADF converter method identifier: str
  • ADF converter version: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • end time: datetime64[ns]
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • device method identifier: str
  • sample temperature setting: float64
  • maximum run time setting: float64
  • disintegration apparatus disc type: str
  • disintegration apparatus basket identifier: str
  • solvent identifier: str
  • arithmetic mean: float64
  • standard deviation: float64
  • minimum value: float64
  • maximum value: float64
  • batch identifier: str
  • material suitability specification: str
  • relative standard deviation: float64
  • quantity range: float64
  • position: str
  • elapsed time: float64
  • specification assessment: bool

table solvent_identifier

  • fill depth: float64
  • description: str

instrument DvsSchema

table document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • device identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • measurement method identifier: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • analyst: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample preparation description: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • hygroscopicity type: str
  • hysteresis assessment: str

instrument FluorescenceEndpointSchema

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector distance setting (plate reader): float64
  • integration time: float64
  • number of averages: float64
  • detector gain setting: str
  • scan position setting (plate reader): str
  • detector carriage speed setting: str
  • detector wavelength setting: float64
  • detector bandwidth setting: float64
  • wavelength filter cutoff setting: float64
  • excitation wavelength setting: float64
  • excitation bandwidth setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • experiment type: str
  • container type: str
  • plate well count: float64
  • well volume: float64

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • compartment temperature: float64
  • fluorescence: float64

table plate_reader_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • well location identifier: str
  • vial location identifier: str
  • location identifier: str
  • mass concentration: float64

instrument FoamHeightSchema

table bubble_document

  • pixel count: float64
  • eccentricity: float64
  • relative location: str
  • centroid y-coordinate: float64
  • centroid x-coordinate: float64

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • maximum row setting (foam height): float64
  • foam detection sensitivity setting: float64
  • smoothing window setting: int64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table foam_height_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • assay data identifier: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • file path: str
  • pixel density: float64
  • liquid start row: float64
  • liquid end row: float64
  • foam detection result: bool
  • foam start row: float64
  • foam end row: float64
  • liquid row count: float64
  • foam row count: float64
  • total row count (foam height): int64
  • liquid height: float64
  • total foam height: float64
  • total material height: float64
  • air gap detection result: bool
  • normalized foam row count: float64
  • normalized foam height: float64
  • above gap foam row count: float64
  • below gap foam row count: float64
  • liquid homogeneity gradient: float64
  • exception description: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

instrument FoamQualificationSchema

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector distance setting (foam qualification): float64
  • measurement delay setting: float64
  • detection duration setting: float64
  • dielectric polarization field frequency setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table foam_qualification_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • experimental data identifier: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • ambient temperature: float64
  • ambient pressure: float64
  • relative humidity: float64
  • polyol reservoir temperature: float64
  • isocyanate reservoir temperature: float64
  • plate temperature: float64
  • plate heater temperature: float64
  • reaction duration: float64
  • container type: str
  • force gauge type: str
  • container shape: str
  • container height: float64
  • container diameter: float64
  • process termination state type: str
  • start height: float64
  • end height: float64
  • gel time: float64
  • foam profile data cube: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

table statistics_document

  • statistical feature: str
  • maximum value: float64
  • acquisition time: float64

instrument FplcSchema

table chromatography_column_document

  • chromatography column part number: str
  • chromatography column serial number: str
  • chromatography column length: float64
  • column inner diameter: float64
  • chromatography column chemistry type: str
  • chromatography column particle size: float64
  • product manufactuer: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector offset setting: float64
  • detector sampling rate setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • pump model number: str
  • detector model number: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table gradient_segment_document

  • description: str
  • start time: float64
  • end time: float64

table injection_document

  • injection identifier: str
  • autosampler injection volume setting (chromatography): float64
  • injection time: datetime64[ns]

table liquid_chromatography_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • chromatogram data cube: str

table peak

  • identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • peak width at 5% of height: float64
  • peak width at baseline: float64
  • peak width at half height: float64
  • peak height: float64
  • asymmetry factor measured at 5 percent height: float64
  • statistical skew (chromatography): float64
  • number of theoretical plates by peak width at half height: float64
  • number of theoretical plates by tangent method: float64
  • retention time: float64
  • peak area: float64
  • peak start: float64
  • peak end: float64
  • capacity factor (chromatography): float64
  • relative peak height: float64
  • relative peak area: float64
  • peak selectivity (chromatography): float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using baseline peak widths: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using peak width at half-height: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using statistical moments: float64

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

instrument FtirSchema

table background_document

  • number of averages: float64
  • resolution: float64
  • detector gain setting: float64
  • optical velocity setting: float64
  • aperture size setting: float64

table document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • equipment serial number: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • analyst: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample preparation description: str
  • reference identifier: str
  • conformance assessment: bool
  • detector type: str
  • beamsplitter type: str
  • michelson interferometer acquisition mode: str
  • sample measurement interface type: str

table measurement_document

  • number of averages: float64
  • resolution: float64
  • detector gain setting: float64
  • optical velocity setting: float64
  • aperture size setting: float64

instrument GasChromatographySchema

table chromatography_column_document

  • chromatography column part number: str
  • chromatography column serial number: str
  • chromatography column length: float64
  • column inner diameter: float64
  • chromatography column chemistry type: str
  • chromatography column particle size: float64
  • product manufacturer: str
  • chromatography column fill type: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector offset setting: float64
  • detector sampling rate setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • pump model number: str
  • detector model number: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table gas_chromatography_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str
  • device method identifier: str

table injection_document

  • injection identifier: str
  • injection volume setting: float64
  • injection time: datetime64[ns]

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • chromatogram data cube: str

table peak

  • identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • peak width at 5% of height: float64
  • peak width at baseline: float64
  • peak width at half height: float64
  • peak height: float64
  • asymmetry factor measured at 5 percent height: float64
  • statistical skew (chromatography): float64
  • number of theoretical plates by peak width at half height: float64
  • number of theoretical plates by tangent method: float64
  • retention time: float64
  • peak area: float64
  • peak start: float64
  • peak end: float64
  • capacity factor (chromatography): float64
  • relative peak height: float64
  • relative peak area: float64
  • peak selectivity (chromatography): float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using baseline peak widths: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using peak width at half-height: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using statistical moments: float64

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • sampling type: str

instrument GlossSchema

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table gloss_change_document

  • gloss change: float64
  • angle: float64

table gloss_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • method identifier: str
  • experiment identifier: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • coated material description: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

table sample_preparation_document

  • sample preparation description: str
  • abrasion cycle count: int64
  • abrasion weight: float64
  • abrasion source description: str
  • abrading material description: str
  • duration: float64
  • temperature: float64
  • humidity: float64
  • coating gap height: float64

table specular_reflection_document

  • gloss: float64
  • angle: float64

instrument HotTackSchema

table analyst

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • method identifier: str
  • description: str
  • ambient temperature: float64
  • experiment identifier: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • relative location: str
  • temperature setting: float64
  • grip pressure setting: float64
  • dwell time setting (hot tack): float64
  • delay time setting (hot tack): float64
  • grip velocity setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table hot_tack_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • sample width: float64
  • heat seal length: float64

table separation_document

  • peak load force: float64
  • break type: str
  • energy (datum): float64
  • strain: float64

table statistics_document

  • temperature: float64
  • force: float64
  • statistical feature: str
  • seal initiation temperature: float64

instrument LcMsSchema

table analyte_aggregate_document

  • analyte document: str

table analyte_document

  • analyte name: str
  • mass: float64
  • m/z: float64

table chromatography_column_document

  • chromatography column part number: str
  • chromatography column serial number: str
  • chromatography column length: float64
  • column inner diameter: float64
  • chromatography column chemistry type: str
  • chromatography column particle size: float64
  • product manufactuer: str

table data_processing_aggregate_document

  • data processing description: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector offset setting: float64
  • detector sampling rate setting: float64
  • detector relative offset setting: float64
  • detection duration setting: float64
  • m/z minimum setting: float64
  • m/z maximum setting: float64
  • polarity setting: str
  • measurement mode setting: str
  • detector wavelength setting: float64
  • detector bandwidth setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • pump model number: str
  • detector model number: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table injection_document

  • injection identifier: str
  • autosampler injection volume setting (chromatography): float64
  • injection time: datetime64[ns]

table liquid_chromatography_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • mass spectrum data cube: str

table peak

  • identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • peak width at 5% of height: float64
  • peak width at baseline: float64
  • peak width at half height: float64
  • peak height: float64
  • asymmetry factor measured at 5 percent height: float64
  • statistical skew (chromatography): float64
  • number of theoretical plates by peak width at half height: float64
  • number of theoretical plates by tangent method: float64
  • retention time: float64
  • peak area: float64
  • peak start: float64
  • peak end: float64
  • capacity factor (chromatography): float64
  • relative peak height: float64
  • relative peak area: float64
  • peak selectivity (chromatography): float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using baseline peak widths: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using peak width at half-height: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using statistical moments: float64
  • peak width: float64
  • mass: float64
  • m/z: float64

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table processed_data_document

  • data format specification type: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

table sample_introduction_document

  • sample introduction mode setting: str
  • flow rate setting: float64
  • laser firing frequency setting: float64
  • sample introduction description: str
  • sample introduction medium: str

instrument LightObscurationSchema

table document

  • sample identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • detector model number: str
  • detector identifier: str
  • analyst: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • detector view volume: float64
  • repetition setting: int64
  • sample volume setting: float64
  • flush volume setting: float64
  • dilution factor setting: float64
  • data processing omission setting: bool
  • particle size: float64
  • cumulative count: float64
  • differential count: float64
  • cumulative particle density: float64
  • differential particle density: float64

instrument LiquidChromatographySchema

table chromatography_column_document

  • chromatography column part number: str
  • chromatography column serial number: str
  • chromatography column length: float64
  • column inner diameter: float64
  • chromatography column chemistry type: str
  • chromatography column particle size: float64
  • product manufactuer: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector offset setting: float64
  • detector sampling rate setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • pump model number: str
  • detector model number: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table injection_document

  • injection identifier: str
  • autosampler injection volume setting (chromatography): float64
  • injection time: datetime64[ns]

table liquid_chromatography_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • chromatogram data cube: str

table peak

  • identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • peak width at 5% of height: float64
  • peak width at baseline: float64
  • peak width at half height: float64
  • peak height: float64
  • asymmetry factor measured at 5 percent height: float64
  • statistical skew (chromatography): float64
  • number of theoretical plates by peak width at half height: float64
  • number of theoretical plates by tangent method: float64
  • retention time: float64
  • peak area: float64
  • peak start: float64
  • peak end: float64
  • capacity factor (chromatography): float64
  • relative peak height: float64
  • relative peak area: float64
  • peak selectivity (chromatography): float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using baseline peak widths: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using peak width at half-height: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using statistical moments: float64

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str

instrument LossOnDryingSchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • temperature profile setting: str
  • drying temperature setting: float64
  • sample weight before drying: float64
  • maximum run time setting: float64
  • change rate end point setting: float64
  • extrapolated weight end point setting: bool
  • acqusition time: float64
  • extrapolated moisture content: float64
  • dry sample weight: float64
  • weight loss: float64
  • relative weight loss on drying: float64
  • mass profile: str

instrument LuminescenceEndpointSchema

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector distance setting (plate reader): float64
  • integration time: float64
  • number of averages: float64
  • detector gain setting: str
  • scan position setting (plate reader): str
  • detector carriage speed setting: str
  • detector wavelength setting: float64
  • detector bandwidth setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • experiment type: str
  • container type: str
  • plate well count: float64
  • well volume: float64

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • compartment temperature: float64
  • luminescence: float64

table plate_reader_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • well location identifier: str
  • vial location identifier: str
  • location identifier: str
  • mass concentration: float64

instrument MassSpectrometrySchema

table detector_control_document

  • detection type: str
  • detector relative offset setting: float64
  • detector sampling rate setting: float64
  • detection duration setting: float64
  • m/z minimum setting: float64
  • m/z maximum setting: float64
  • polarity setting: str

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • model number: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str

table mass_spectrometry_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table measurement_document

  • measurement mode setting: str

table peak

  • identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • peak width at 5% of height: float64
  • peak width at baseline: float64
  • peak width at half height: float64
  • peak height: float64
  • m/z: float64
  • peak area: float64
  • mass: float64
  • relative peak height: float64
  • asymmetry factor measured at 5 percent height: float64
  • statistical skew (chromatography): float64
  • number of theoretical plates by peak width at half height: float64
  • number of theoretical plates by tangent method: float64
  • retention time: float64
  • peak start: float64
  • peak end: float64
  • capacity factor (chromatography): float64
  • peak selectivity (chromatography): float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using baseline peak widths: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using peak width at half-height: float64
  • chromatographic peak resolution using statistical moments: float64
  • relative peak area: float64

table processed_data_document

  • data format specification type: str
  • data processing description: str
  • data cube: str

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • description: str
  • written name: str

table sample_introduction_document

  • sample introduction mode setting: str
  • flow rate setting: float64
  • laser firing frequency setting: float64
  • sample introduction description: str
  • sample introduction medium: str

instrument NephelometrySchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • weighing result: float64
  • solvent identifier: str
  • standard nominal value: float64
  • standard measured value: float64
  • calibration result deviation: float64
  • calibration assessment: str
  • baseline: float64
  • turbidity: float64
  • background corrected turbidity: float64

instrument OpticalMicroscopySchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • Sample preparation description: str
  • material identifier: str
  • birefringence result: bool
  • particle shape characterization: str
  • association state: str
  • assay comment: str

table image_document

  • magnification setting: float64
  • polarized light enabled setting: bool
  • experimental data identifier: str

instrument PhSensorSchema

table device_type

  • device type: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • device identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • calibration certificate identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • experiment identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • method identifier: str
  • description: str

table measurement_document

  • data cube: str

table statistics_document

  • pH: float64
  • statistical feature: str
  • temperature: float64

instrument PlateReaderSchema

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector distance setting (plate reader): float64
  • integration time: float64
  • number of averages: float64
  • detector gain setting: str
  • scan position setting (plate reader): str
  • detector carriage speed setting: str

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • experiment type: str
  • container type: str
  • plate well count: float64
  • well volume: float64

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • compartment temperature: float64

table plate_reader_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • well location identifier: str
  • vial location identifier: str
  • location identifier: str
  • well plate identifier: str
  • mass concentration: float64

instrument PressureSensorSchema

table device_type

  • device type: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • device identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • calibration certificate identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • experiment identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • method identifier: str
  • description: str

table measurement_document

  • data cube: str

table statistics_document

  • pressure: float64
  • statistical feature: str
  • temperature: float64

instrument PsdSchema

table distribution

  • cumulative distribution percentage: float64
  • bin upper limit: float64

table distribution_document

  • distribution type: str

table document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • device identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • measurement method identifier: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • analyst: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample preparation description: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • instrument suspension media: str
  • sample suspension media: str
  • plumbing flow rate setting: float64
  • sonication duration setting: float64
  • sonication power setting: float64
  • fluid refractive index setting: float64
  • particle refractive index setting: float64
  • particle shape setting: str
  • average particle size: float64
  • standard deviation: float64
  • distribution modality: str

instrument PumpSchema

table device_control_document

  • device response signal: str
  • control command: str

table device_system_document

  • equipment serial number: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • analyst: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]

table measurement_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • flow rate: float64
  • dispensing duration: float64
  • dispensed volume: float64

instrument QnmrSchema

table NMR_multiplet

  • peak position: float64
  • analyte name: str
  • peak assignment target: str
  • associated nuclei count: int64
  • peak area: float64

table analyte_document

  • analyte name: str
  • analysis material role type: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • molecular mass: float64
  • SMILES molecular structure: str
  • InChI molecular structure: str
  • InChIKey molecular structure: str
  • Molfile molecular structure: str
  • qNMR purity result: float64
  • standard deviation: float64
  • calculation description: str
  • analyte molar ratio: float64
  • reference identifier: float64

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • inter scan relaxation delay setting: float64
  • number of averages: int64

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • material identifier: str
  • conformance assessment: bool
  • reference identifier: str

table sample_preparation_document

  • balance identifier: str
  • tare weight: float64
  • gross weight: float64
  • sample weight: float64
  • solvent identifier: str

table standard_document

  • reference material identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • tare weight: float64
  • gross weight: float64
  • reference material weight: float64
  • purity result: float64

instrument QpcrSchema

table calculated_data_document

  • calculated data identifier: str
  • calculated data name: str
  • calculation description: str
  • calculated result: float64

table data_processing_document

  • automatic cycle threshold enabled setting: bool
  • cycle threshold value setting: float64
  • automatic baseline determination enabled setting: bool
  • baseline determination start cycle setting: float64
  • baseline determination end cycle setting: float64
  • genotyping qPCR method identifier: str
  • genotyping qPCR method setting: float64
  • reference DNA description: str
  • reference sample description: str

table data_source_document

  • data source identifier: str
  • data source feature: str

table data_system_document

  • data system instance identifier: str
  • file name: str
  • UNC path: str
  • software name: str
  • software version: str
  • ASM converter name: str
  • ASM converter version: str

table device_control_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • measurement method identifier: str
  • total cycle number setting: float64
  • denaturing temperature setting: float64
  • denaturing duration setting: float64
  • annealing temperature setting: float64
  • annealing duration setting: float64
  • primer extension temperature setting: float64
  • primer extension duration setting: float64
  • qPCR detection chemistry: str
  • reporter dye setting: str
  • quencher dye setting: str
  • passive reference dye setting: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table document

  • measurement method identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • analytical method identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • experiment type: str
  • container type: str
  • plate well count: float64
  • well volume: float64

table measurement_document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • target DNA description: str

table processed_data_document

  • cycle threshold result: float64
  • normalized reporter result: float64
  • baseline corrected reporter result: float64
  • genotyping qPCR result: str

table qPCR_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • well location identifier: str
  • well plate identifier: str
  • mass concentration: float64

instrument SemSchema

table document

  • ADF converter name: str
  • ADF converter method identifier: str
  • ADF converter version: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • written name: str
  • sample preparation description: str
  • material identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • electron energy setting: float64
  • beam deceleration voltage setting: float64
  • current setting: float64
  • detector type: str
  • image format: str
  • image height: float64
  • image width: float64
  • magnification setting: float64
  • identifier: str
  • pressure: float64
  • assay comment: str
  • condenser lens voltage setting: float64
  • electron beam working distance: float64
  • micron marker setting: float64
  • x-coordinate: float64
  • y-coordinate: float64
  • incident radiation angle: float64
  • z-coordinate: float64
  • scan speed setting (electron microscopy): float64
  • particle shape characterization: str
  • association state: str
  • experimental data identifier: str

instrument SpecificRotationSchema

table background_document

  • solvent identifier: str
  • cell path length: float64
  • sample temperature: float64
  • angle of optical rotation: float64

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • radiation source type: str
  • wavelength: float64

table measurement_document

  • solvent identifier: str
  • cell path length: float64
  • sample temperature: float64
  • mass concentration: float64
  • angle of optical rotation: float64
  • specific rotation: float64

instrument StirringSchema

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • device identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • calibration certificate identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • experiment identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • method identifier: str
  • description: str
  • ambient temperature: float64

table measurement_document

  • data cube: str

table statistics_document

  • rotational speed: float64
  • statistical feature: str
  • torque: float64

instrument SurfaceAreaAnalysisSchema

table BET_point_document

  • relative pressure (BET): float64
  • pressure: float64
  • adsorbed volume at STP: float64
  • saturation vapor pressure: float64
  • elapsed time: float64

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • specific surface area: float64
  • slope: float64
  • y-intercept: float64
  • BET C constant: float64
  • monolayer quantity: float64
  • correlation coefficient: float64
  • measurement end time: datetime64[ns]
  • evacuation rate setting: float64
  • evacuation time setting: float64
  • measurement chamber free space volume: float64
  • saturation vapor pressure: float64
  • equilibration time: float64

table reference_material_document

  • reference material identifier: str
  • reference material weight: float64

table sample_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • material identifier: str
  • balance identifier: str
  • tare weight: float64
  • gross weight: float64
  • sample weight: float64
  • degassed sample weight: float64

instrument TabletHardnessSchema

table document

  • ADF converter name: str
  • ADF converter method identifier: str
  • ADF converter version: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • due date (calibration): datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • measurement identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • start time: datetime64[ns]
  • end time: datetime64[ns]
  • sample identifier: str
  • material identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • tablet press identifier: str
  • container identifier: str
  • assay comment: str

table measurement_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • sample weight: float64
  • tablet thickness: float64
  • diameter: float64
  • hardness: float64
  • data validity assessment: str

instrument TemperatureSensorSchema

table device_type

  • device type: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • device identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • calibration certificate identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • sample identifier: str
  • experiment identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • method identifier: str
  • description: str

table measurement_document

  • data cube: str

table statistics_document

  • temperature: float64
  • statistical feature: str

instrument TensileTestSchema

table chord_modulus_document

  • chord modulus: float64
  • start strain point: float64
  • end strain point: float64

table description

  • secant modulus: float64
  • strain: float64
  • data cube: str

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table device_type

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • grip velocity setting: float64
  • grip distance setting: float64

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • experimental data identifier: str

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • ambient temperature: float64
  • ambient humidity: float64
  • yield stress: float64
  • yield strain: float64
  • break stress: float64
  • break strain: float64
  • peak load force: float64
  • fracture energy: float64
  • Young modulus: float64
  • stress-strain data cube: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str

table sample_document

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • sampling orientation type: str
  • sample shape classification: str
  • sample thickness: float64
  • sample width: float64

table secant_modulus_aggregate_document

  • description: str

table secant_modulus_document

  • secant modulus: float64
  • strain: float64
  • diagnostic trace document: str
  • data cube: str

table tensile_test_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

instrument ThermogravimetricAnalysisSchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay data identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • device method identifier: str

table thermal_analysis_peak

  • transition assignment: str
  • peak onset temperature: float64
  • peak temperature: float64
  • weight loss: float64

instrument TitrationSchema

table document

  • measurement identifier: str
  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analyst: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • asset management identifier: str
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • assay identifier: str
  • assay comment: str
  • material identifier: str
  • sample weight: float64
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • titrant solution type: str
  • titer: float64
  • titration solvent type: str
  • equivalence point volume: float64
  • balance identifier: str
  • calibration time: datetime64[ns]
  • expiry time prescription: datetime64[ns]
  • molar concentration: float64
  • mass fraction: float64

instrument UltravioletAbsorbanceSchema

table device_control_aggregate_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • detection type: str
  • product manufactuer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • model number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • detector distance setting (plate reader): float64
  • integration time: float64
  • number of averages: float64
  • detector gain setting: str
  • scan position setting (plate reader): str
  • detector carriage speed setting: str
  • detector wavelength setting: float64
  • detector bandwidth setting: float64
  • electronic absorbance wavelength setting: float64
  • electronic absorbance bandwidth setting: float64
  • electronic absorbance reference bandwidth setting: float64

table device_document

  • device type: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • product manufacturer: str
  • brand name: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str

table device_system_document

  • asset management identifier: str
  • device identifier: str
  • model number: str
  • equipment serial number: str
  • firmware version: str
  • description: str
  • brand name: str
  • product manufacturer: str

table diagnostic_trace_aggregate_document

  • diagnostic trace document: str

table diagnostic_trace_document

  • description: str
  • data cube: str

table electronic_absorbance_reference_wavelength_setting

  • description: str
  • sample identifier: str
  • batch identifier: str
  • sample role type: str
  • written name: str
  • well location identifier: str
  • vial location identifier: str
  • location identifier: str

table measurement_aggregate_document

  • measurement time: datetime64[ns]
  • analytical method identifier: str
  • experimental data identifier: str
  • experiment type: str
  • container type: str
  • plate well count: float64
  • well volume: float64

table measurement_document

  • detection type: str
  • measurement identifier: str
  • compartment temperature: float64
  • absorbance: float64
  • electronic absorbance reference wavelength setting: float64
  • mass concentration: float64

table plate_reader_document

  • analyst: str
  • submitter: str

table processed_data_aggregate_document

  • processed data document: str