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March 2024

March 28 2024


  • A Connections Monitor is now the main page for viewing all connections’ statuses in an environment. The connection’s image can be customized by updating the image of the associated agent.
  • The save progress of Flow configuration and code changes are now displayed on the Flow Editor.
  • Dashboards have been updated to Superset 3.1.1 which allows users to download dashboard outputs as a CSV file.


Bug Fixes

  • File input matching is now case-insensitive for both the case of the matching pattern and the case of the file name.

March 21 2024


  • Tables and files that are retrieved via the Ganymede SDK can now be cached in an editor notebook or analysis notebook. To enable this feature, set the use_cache_in_notebook parameter to true in the retrieve_files or retrieve_tables method of the Ganymede class. Future runs of the execute function during development iterations will pull from the cached objects instead of querying Ganymede.
  • More functionality for parsing, assembling, and plotting CDF files was added to the LC class in Ganymede SDK.
  • A method for adding Benchling entities to a plate was added to the Benchling class in Ganymede SDK.

Bug Fixes

  • The left sidebar in the Ganymede App and the flow dropdown on the Flow View/Flow Editor pages are wider to accommodate longer filenames and flow names respectively.

March 14 2024


  • All types of Benchling events can now be received and processed by the Benchling_Event node.

March 7 2024


  • Agent file tags can now be added on the Agent configuration page. Agent file tags are applied to each file an Agent captures and uploads.
  • The Flow Run or Agent that brought a file into Ganymede is listed in the Origin column, and now displays the Flow name and Flow Run ID, or the Connection ID. All records in the Usage column (where the file is used in Ganymede) are now limited to downstream usage.
  • Users can now navigate from the file browser to Flow Runs and Virtualization sessions where a file was used.