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November 2023

November 30 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Agents now have a configuration option for ignoring duplicate files, so that duplicate file creation and duplicate Flow Runs do not occur.
  • Jedi LSP errors will no longer pop up in the editor notebooks.

November 22 2023


  • URL routes for Agents, Data Browser and settings were updated to more accurately reflect selections on each page.
  • Users can now use the Ganymede SDK to fetch a Ganymede file link that can be written to an external system.

November 16 2023


  • The Ganymede SDK now has a Signals class for interacting with the Revvity Signals API.
  • The Benchling class in the Ganymede SDK now has methods for bulk creation and bulk updating of custom entities, as well as methods for creating and updating molecules.


  • Links to dashboards are now shareable, so that users can copy links to charts and dashboards.
  • Agents now support the ability to populate a multi-file input of a Flow.

Bug Fixes

  • PNG and PDF files no longer appear to have an unknown type in the file browser.

November 9 2023


  • All URLs now include the environment name for specificity.
  • When a user clicks on a Ganymede link but is not logged in, they will now be redirected to their desired link after login.
  • Zip files for bulk downloads are now named with the current datetime.
  • PDF parsing node types (PDF_Read and PDF_Read_Multi) are available for use again.
  • A retrieve_tables method was added to the Ganymede SDK, which retrieves tables, preserving special characters in table names.

Bug Fixes

  • In the file browser, changing environments will now clear the current selection.
  • Connections no longer appear to be disconnected when there is a mismatch between a lab PC time and UTC.

November 2 2023


  • Flows can now be assigned to specific users so that a curated list of My Flows appears on the
    page. Admins can assign Flows to users from the Flow settings panel, or users can self-assign Flows from the All Flows tab.
  • Users can now select and download multiple files at once from the file browser. The cumulative size of the files selected must be less than 2GB, and files will download as a zip file.