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June 2023

June 29 2023


  • Users can now delete an agent after archiving and disabling it.

Bug Fixes

  • Files with long file names no longer overflow the file chips in the Flow Runs tables.

June 23 2023


Bug Fixes

  • Start Time and Run Duration are now present on the Flow View page.

June 15 2023


  • The file uploader widget in editor notebooks, which can be used to upload test files to the notebook, was modified to have a file size limit of 100MB.
  • The Ganymede SDK now supports filtering files by Flow, during testing in the editor notebook.

Bug Fixes

  • When a user changes the environment, the selected environment will now always be the displayed environment.
  • Scheduled Flows were occasionally not appearing in the Flow Runs table once they had run.
  • After Flow saves, the environment name will no longer change to displaying the environment key.
  • There will no longer be a delay when the file watcher is set up in differential mode on a directory that has many files.

June 8 2023


  • Colors and icons were added to the environment selectors, to make it easier for users to quickly differentiate between environments.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the initial page load was slow in environments that had a large number of recent Flow Runs.
  • When changing environments in the Flow Editor, there was an issue where the previously loaded Flow remained visible in the new environment. This has been resolved, and the Flow Editor will only contain Flows from the selected environment.

June 1 2023


  • Users can now configure a Flow to run on a scheduled interval. Intervals can be set with a combination of month, week, day, hour and minute.

Bug Fixes

  • Clicking a table head in the Flow Editor will now link to that table in the Data Explorer, as it was before.
  • When both a directory and a subdirectory had files, and the file watcher was in cumulative mode, the directory-level files were being run in duplicate. This has now been resolved, so that those files are only run once.