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April 2023

Apr 27 2023


  • Flows can now be configured to run based on an S3 Object Created event. An S3 Event node was added to the library to enable this.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where Benchling Tags occasionally could not be applied to multiple runs.
  • The top handle of nodes is now more accessible when connecting nodes.

Apr 21 2023


  • For each input, there is now an option to apply the top value to all queued runs. The value will apply as a default value to all new and existing runs, but can be manually overwritten.


  • Nodes are now collapsible in the Flow Editor and are collapsed by default. When a node is expanded, its name and parameters can be edited. Editor notebooks can be opened regardless of whether the node is expanded or collapsed.
  • The Node drawer in the Flow Editor now displays nodes as cards.

Bug Fixes

  • Nodes with SQL queries now error upon query failure.
  • Boolean values now render properly in the data explorer.

Apr 13 2023


  • Dashboards are now available in Ganymede. Datasets available for dashboards can be based either on tables within the environment, or on SQL queries of tables.
  • Ganymede SDK now has convenience functions for listing and retrieving files and tables within the editor notebook environment


  • Flow Runs are now available to track in the bottom drawer of the Flow Editor.
  • Environment no longer needs to be specified on SQL queries run in editor notebooks.

Bug Fixes

  • Verbose node logs now wrap properly within the modal, instead of overflowing.

Apr 6 2023


  • Users can now receive email notifications when a Flow fails. This setting is available in the Manage sidebar of a Flow, where email addresses can be specified.


  • In editor notebooks, MockGanymedeContext can now be used to populate template variables in SQL queries while testing.

Bug Fixes

  • Some Benchling entities were not appearing in the tag dropdown. This has been resolved, and all Benchling entities in Ganymede now appear in the dropdown.
  • File watcher settings no longer appear modifiable while the file watcher is active.
  • Minor UI updates were made to the sidebar to ensure it scales correctly.
  • A few elements in the UI appeared clickable, but were not. Those non-clickable elements no longer appear to be clickable.