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March 2023

Mar 30 2023


  • S3 Write node now writes to a file path that includes the Flow ID and Flow Run ID
  • Helper functions were added to the Benchling Read editor notebook

Bug Fixes

  • Minor fix applied to Blob to Table node

Mar 23 2023

Flow Editor UI

Over the next few weeks, we will be rolling out updates to the Flow Editor user interface. The new interface overlays the Flow Editor with a Run Queue panel, which developers can use to iteratively test Flows during development. Although the updates are being rolled out incrementally, it should not disrupt use of the Flow Editor.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where logs were appearing as empty
  • Fixed an issue where Flows appeared to be ready to run while large files were still in the process of uploading

Mar 16 2023

Automatically kick off Flows

Flows can now be run automatically! The setting resides in the input node on both the Flow View and Flow Editor pages. When the setting is enabled, a Flow will run automatically once all inputs are present.

User-configurable errors

Exceptions that are thrown within a user-editable function are now surfaced to the top of the logs.

Node Documentation Updates

  • Nodes that require secret management now describe which environment credentials need to be set for integration, enabling self-service setup of nodes with this functionality

Node Updates

  • Azure SQL node now available
  • Node for interacting with eLabNext now available

Mar 9 2023

Flow Editor

  • Number of retries can now be configured at the Flow level
  • Rerun button now available in editor for facilitate running Flow with same parameters as most recent prior run

Node Editor Templates

  • Editor notebooks now have default MockGanymedeContext to facilitate debugging nodes with flow-level variables
  • Editor notebooks for Benchling nodes have default MockBenchlingContext objects which provide a Benchling connection if configured for the environment
  • Convenience functions added for retrieving data from Ganymede data lake and cloud storage

Mar 2 2023

Flow Editor

  • Flow runs with input fields now require input submission
  • Concurrent saving no longer causes timeout

UI Updates

  • Font family and navigation colors updated in UI