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January 2023

Jan 26 2023

UI Updates

  • Clearer navigation between files and flow runs
  • Users can filter flows by file run via Files page

Node Updates

  • Added nodes to read zip files and instron files
  • Excel write node can now take in spreadsheet name as a parameter
  • Process_Blob_to_Blob and Process_Blob_to_Table now requires bucket source to be specified (either "input" or "output")

Jan 19 2023

Node Editor Templates

  • Additional template cleanups performed

Node Updates

  • Node to trigger Flow upon Benchling entity registration created

Jan 12 2023

Node Editor Templates

  • Additional template cleanups performed

Data Explorer

  • SQL editor UI updated

File upload

  • If a file uploaded from user’s local machine already exists in Ganymede, user has ability to choose to use the existing file in Ganymede, or to store a new version with a unique ID added to file name

Jan 6 2023

Node Editor Templates

  • Node editor templates updated; most notebooks for nodes that ingest files now have a cell for ingesting files in the notebook.

Node updates

  • Node for performing validation using Great Expectations added