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December 2022

Dec 22 2022

Platform administration

  • Data environment secrets are now user-manageable by environment Admins

Data Explorer

  • SQL Editor is now available

Dec 15 2022

Notebooks improved

  • Loading times should be significantly quicker
  • Multiple notebooks can be loaded at once
  • Notebooks can be saved consecutively

File watcher settings

  • Cumulative mode introduced
  • Conserve data by no longer overwriting input files. Two modes if detected file matches remote: use existing remote file or generate unique filename then upload

Node updates

  • Powerpoint write and CSV write now available
  • Matplotlib plotting library added to image write node

Dec 8 2022

Data Explorer available

  • Initial addition of SQL Editor in Data Explorer

Improved input file filtering

  • File input nodes now filter filenames by glob patterns

Node updates

  • S3 Write now available
  • Nodes that append to tables now add new columns by default rather than erroring upon schema mismatch

Dec 1 2022

Flow editor improvements

  • File watcher now available for flows that ingest multiple files
  • Notifications table now contains email addresses to indicate user execution operation

Node updates

  • Node for specifying flow-level input parameter now available