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October 2022

Oct 27 2022

Platform updates

  • Flow nodes and edges are larger and easier to select
  • Node run statuses are now displayed on Flow View page

Node updates

  • PyAnalysis and TransformSQL nodes can now take multiple SQL queries as input, specified as a semicolon-delimited string
  • CSVRead, TransformSQL, and PyAnalysis nodes can now output multiple tables
  • Ganymede context variable now passed into nodes, which allow nodes to access run_id timestamp and name of file ingested in flow
  • Table with numeric column names are now prefixed with '__var' when uploading to data lake

Oct 20 2022

Node updates

  • CSV read Node now takes in a dictionary of {filename: file_contents} rather than file_contents, to enable association between input file name and file content

Oct 13 2022

Platform updates

  • Environment selection is no longer required; selected flows are persisted across page navigations
  • Platform can now listen for Benchling events, and users can specify Benchling association using the Benchling run tag dropdown
  • Flows can now be set to production mode, which defaults all flows to write to the data lake in append-only mode

Node updates

  • FCS load Node refactored to allow user-modifiable code

Oct 6 2022

Platform updates

  • List of flows added to Home page, with search functionality and ability to delete flows from page
  • Flow Runs page now contains the input file used to kick off runs

File watcher updates

  • Input files on the Flow Editor page are now listed in a run queue, with icons that indicate if files were manually uploaded or added via the file watcher
  • Files uploaded via the file watcher now queue rather than run automatically