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Node Description

Reads HDF5 file

Retrieves HDF5 data for processing by user-defined function. The result of the user-defined function is stored in Ganymede cloud storage.

Node Attributes

  • input_file_hdf5
    • File extension for valid HDF5 files submitted. For example, filling in this attribute with "*.hdf" will only allow files with the extension .hdf to be uploaded.
  • output_data
    • Name of file to write processed data to


HDF5 is stored in generic storage rather than as a table since the format is not tabular.

User-Defined Python

Processes HDF5 data


  • h5data : dict[str, object]
    • HDF5 data presented as a nested dict
  • ganymede_context : GanymedeContext
    • Ganymede context variable, which stores flow run metadata


NodeReturn Object containing data to store in data lake and/or file storage.