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Node Description

Node for triggering Flow upon receiving an S3 Event.

Node Attributes

  • input_filter_path
    • Input JSONPath used for applying filtering logic
  • input_trigger_flow_name
    • Input Ganymede flow to trigger from captured event


Prior to usage, the following secrets must be configured in the environment:

  • aws_s3_role_arn: AWS Service Account Name

This ARN will be used to enable the Airflow connection to the S3 bucket. Configuring this ARN will require the service account ID associated with the workflow orchestrator. Please reach out to the Ganymede team for instructions on configuring access within AWS to enable Ganymede connectivity.

Once configured, add the AWS role ARN secret to your environment by clicking on your username in the upper-right hand of the Ganymede application, then selecting Environment Settings and navigating to the Secrets tab.

In addition to configuring role ARN, EventBridge must be configured to send events to Ganymede. If you need assistance on configuring EventBridge, please reach out to the Ganymede team.


The example below shows the example-flow-to-trigger Flow being triggered when CSV files are loaded to test-folder in s3://environment-sandbox-s3-bucket/. The Trigger flow name is the ID of the Flow to trigger, which can be found in the Manage Flows panel on the Flow Editor page.

  • input_filter_path: detail.object.key.includes('test_folder')&&'environment-sandbox-s3-bucket'&&@.detail.object.key.includes('.csv')
  • input_trigger_flow_name: example-flow-to-trigger

User-Defined Python

Calls AWS to get data for flow to trigger


  • object_name : str
    • File name in S3 bucket
  • bucket_name : str
    • Name of S3 bucket
  • aws_session: AWS Session
    • AWS Session


FlowInputs Object containing data for kicking off subsequent Flow