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Node Description

Retrieves data from Ganymede data lake and uploads to Airtable.


Prior to usage, create an Airtable Personal Access Token and configure the following secrets in your Ganymede environment:

  • airtable_pat: PAT token from Airtable

Secrets can be configured by clicking on your username in the upper-right hand of the Ganymede application, then selecting Environment Settings and navigating to the Secrets tab. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ganymede.

User-Defined Python

Export data from Ganymede to Airtable.


  • df_sql_result : pd.DataFrame | list[pd.DataFrame]
    • Data to export to Airtable
  • ganymede_context : GanymedeContext
    • Ganymede context variable, which stores flow run metadata


NodeReturn Object containing data to store in data lake and/or file storage