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Configuring Benchling Event-Driven Flows

Ganymede Flows can be triggered upon receiving a Benchling event, such as upon entity registration or workflow task creation. Any event that is sent by Benchling can be used to trigger a Flow; a full listing of events can be found on Benchling Events Reference.

  1. In your Benchling tenant, open the Settings menu and click Feature settings -> Developer Console (see Benchling instructions) to set up delivery of Benchling Events to AWS EventBridge.

  2. Populate the following information in Benchling to create an EventBridge subscription with Ganymede:

AWS account ID: 710795444417
Region: us-east-1
Event bus name: \<Ganymede subdomain\>
Event types: \<event types to listen to\>

For example, if your Ganymede tenant was configured as and you wanted to execute flows upon entity registration, the configuration would be:

AWS account ID: 710795444417
Region: us-east-1
Event bus name: xyz
Event types: v2.entity.registered
  1. Notify Ganymede Support to complete the configuration of your tenant for handling Benchling Events.